Many homeless, disabled and disadvantaged struggle to stay connected – with each other, with families, or with services to help them find jobs, or other ways of surviving, because when the rubber hits the road, they can’t afford to maintain a phone plan, or might even sell their phone.
We’ve got a small simple plan – help out or be creative at the Rainbow Room between one and four hours a month, and we’ll give you an old phone, with a $5-$20 sim plan for that month.
You can use the time to organize some supplies, or be creative and make yourself a t-shirt, or make something you want to sell for yourself, or we sell for you.
We’ve got lots of free supplies, and a whole lot of recycled plastic too, and some places to sell them!
Or if you don’t feel creative, but want to sell instead, come along to the markets and help sell. I have limited energy, so this might be the best way to help if you’re a people person.
For those that want to quit something, attend an AA, NA or ACA meeting once a week, same deal.
We’re hoping Mobile Muster will jump on board and give us phones, and a nice benevolent telco will help with the other side.
We want to help dis-connected, dis-abled and dis-advantaged people turn their lives around, just a little bit at a time.
Waddya think?
Start small at Ainslie Village, next Canberra, then the World!